A New Year Resolution to Keep

Meditation Work Shop

Beginning 19 January 2014
Sundays at 6pm
Be Yoga Be, Burlington

Attend this six week meditation workshop to experience first hand some of the most exotic and energetic meditation with some one who has beenpracticing it for fifty years.

Meditation practices are common to most societies, cultures and religions and each has its own strength. It is important that you follow a modality that resonates with your body, your background, your emotional state and where your fitness level today.

The only way to know what is right for you is to experience many with someone who has been on a similar quest and feel the effect in your heart and soul.

Week One and TwoFalun Dofa:

This is a secret Chinese method of harnessing Qi energy through standing and sit down meditation lasting about an hour ending with serene relaxation. Background Chinese flute makes this especially resonant for all.

Week Two and ThreeShaktipat Oneness

Building on the Qi Gong practice, this is a meditation of the millions of yogisinspired by Oneness University in India to raise global energy at individual level through transmission or diksha by intent or by touch. Some lives are changed forever by this.

Week Four and Five;  Inner Engineering:

Taught by Sadhguru of Isha Foundation of Kentucky, this is an active meditation based on principles laid out by lord Shiva. We do a combination of yoga postures and breathing followed by deep trance like meditation. Very powerful.

Week Five and Six: Osho’s Dance and Chakra Meditation

Finally we flow all into Osho, the love guru’spractice, aka dynamic meditation from his ashram in the USA and India. It is being practiced even today around the world with milliions of followers.Be prepared to dance your way into a trance.

Your Guide:  Sunil Vidyarthi, PhD.

As part of his Vedic priest heritage, Sunil has been meditating in the age old Indian tradition for over fifty years. A shift happened for him in 2005 when he attended a theosophical group called TAT in Pittsburg, realizing that liberation from suffering is possible in this life with practice of yoga and energy meditation. Subsequently he has completed hundreds of hours of Kundalini, Hatha, Pranayama,Oneness diksha and Qi Gong including a two week deepening retreat in Chennai. He teaches hatha yoga and meditation following the kundalini principles.

He also guides aspirants awaken to truth online at liberationunleashed.com. He owes his life to the Buddha, Krishnamurti, Nisargadatta, Rose, Robert Cergol, Sri Ama Bhagwan,  Bob Fergeson, Ramana Maharishi, LU.com and unnamed masters who wrote the Upanishads. His poetry and inspirations can be viewed at deadenduphere.com


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