
Showing posts from October, 2012

Don't Take That Step

Descended from heavens among the stars and the sky With all heavenly attributes of Peace, beauty and perfection. Suddenly there it comes The need to compare, to exceed Desire to excel and penchant  to win. All that remains of my heritage Is a faint wistful memory. A sense that something is missing That  once  was  mine. The terrible loss leaves me cold Anger  takes hold, frustration anchors in me Punishes me for that step I took out of heaven into hell. This same step I take every day Every moment and with every thought. I have become so good at this Deluded to the core. Intent was to make it better Make heaven more heavenly But how do you improve Perfection? Answer, You do not. You ruin it. And I did Creating in the process The hell I inhabit. It is not too late Never too late. It is just a few steps back To leave hell behind. To see the fear as toothless Greed unable to please All seeming pleasures But a flash in time. But for heaven