
Showing posts from March, 2010


There is nothing wrong Nothing can go wrong For something to go wrong The universe has to be wrong. Geeta, Krishna , Buddha and Jeesus Mohammed, Sai, Rumi Nisargdatta, Ramana and Shankara All have to be wrong. You have to be wrong I have to be wrong But in my heart I know I am not wrong. Who said it Or who says it now Who wrote the Upnishads Does it really matter how? Was Mahabharat real, Ram sent Ravan packing Hanuman burnt Lanka down Or Jeesus who turned water into wine Whatever they did could not be wrong. If I were to thank all Who taught this truth ultimate I will have to include you Him, her, it and all the rest. But thank you indeed, Clara For you are Who makes all difference Coalesce into just one.


This famous line of Nisargdatta Maharaj has been quoted more often by spiritual masters and students than any other I know or  at least  so it seems in the circles I touch. And yet, this is the one that has given me a problem. I find that in a way this is the essence of nearly all teachings form Sufi to Buddhism; all referring to That Self which we are. My biggest problem has been trying to meditate on this.  If I am That and lets not mince words, if I am God then why can I not vaporise you or the rock in front of me as I have seen it done in movies, mythologies and stories. The power and miracles of That God has been the key driver of most faiths and continues to be so today. Any time I have tired to converse with a good christian or a Hindu or a Buddhist on my spiritual views, we get hung up on the same item. Jesus is real and performs miracles for His children as we speak. If I Am That then I should also be able to do the same. It recently occurred to me that the sentence "