
Showing posts from April, 2013

Left Handed Blessing

This phrase is ascribed to Buddha. Without some suffering, pain or calamity mind is unlikely to even entertain the notion that its construct called I, me or self is just an illusionary thought, idea, notion or concept. It would be hard for a seemingly rich in wealth, health and love body mind to even think that  it is not in control, the doer or a person. Thereby the unit sets it up for an eventual disenchantment and persistent ignorance. Mind is designed to solve problems not be critical of its seemingly happy state. Rejoice in suffering for it is your ticket to freedom, it is a left handed blessing.


To convince body and mind that the God concept is nothing but an idea is hard. Scientists have shown that even a small but striking event changes the neurological make up of your brain and I postulate that such a memory somehow gets encoded in your genetic make up. If we can carry simple skills like breathing and love for millions of years, it is quite likely that faith in a superpower is hard wired. Simple things like alcoholism, experts say, you never get over, it can only be controlled by a constant vigil. Faith in a God and equating it to some thing we actually know or may find someday can only be denied through constant vigil. Once awakened, you are on a path from which there is no turning back. Many here in our LU group still contemplate that there is some mysterious force behind all of this but that the I, me or self as we know it or can know it, is just false. There is no evidence of such an entity. There is a direct experience of mysterious forces of nature which some in t...


There is an inherent paradox in the question, "Who Am I". As with most things spiritual, the one who asked you to look at this question may have had something very different in his noble mind than what you or I are led to understand not because of our poor intellect but because of the logical mind we possess. Unwittingly this question implies that there is an I we should be searching. It turns out this is VERY WRONG. Do yourself a favour and take a look at where hundreds of volunteers are available 24/7 to guide you in asking the right questions. I did and came up with the answer that first you must establish whether there is an I before you look for it. I know, it is obvious that you are there, right? WRONG! Check it out.

Thought as a Direct Experience : A Discussion

Think of a cup. The thought is perceived in sensation. The image of a cup is not; it is only a picture of a cup in your mind. But the thought is a real thought. Think of a real cup in your kitchen. The cup in the kitchen is real; the cup in the thought, the picture, is not. The thought of this cup Points to a real cup in the kitchen, but the cup in the mind is not real. The Thought is Real; it's Content is not. For me, there is no difference between the thought and it's contents. They appear as the same item.  But they are NOT. There is thought, and there is its content. The contents of your thoughts are all different. You have many many thoughts, which you perceive; they are all about something different.  Not the same item at all! Can we go back to the picture analogy. The picture of a cup is not the cup, similarly thought of a castle is not the castle... is that what you mean? the picture is real but the cup isn’t. The cup is the content of the pi...