Earlier I had indicated the stories of two of our friends on how energy manifests withing their experiences during and after meditation. One related some more info to me which I detail here along with some of my commentary.

" It was interesting about energies and auras and all of  that.  I read the Celestine Prophecy awhile ago and it talked a lot about energy auras...I really was just looking for what seeing pink during  meditation meant, like I said I have always seen a bright colourful purple light that flows toward and away from me with each in and our breath.  But today I saw several colours...I also get that feeling of vibrating energy through my body during some of my meditations, not every time, but sometimes.  Perhaps I am finally opening up more of my chakras.

 I did a meditation for about 15 or 20 mins. today and I started seeing more colours than normal.  I typically always see bright I sawseveral, some even mixed together, I was getting a strong bright pink and some orange and reds mixed and greens and blues mixed and then white as well.  So I looked up the chakra colours on the internet and typically pink is not there, so then I looked up 'pink' chakra and I came across this website, where this man has taught himself to feel energies around the body,reads auras and things. to do with unconditional love and compassion and such."

My response:  Before you go too far with the color of chakras, just know that I found no evidence of this in my readings of old texts and even Amman Bhagwan. But many have reported just as you that they see colors. But assigning chakras to a color may be unproven. Also note that curiously people assign the basic
seven colors of the spectrum to the chakras. How coincident? I always start from the position of a skeptic...

> Sunil Vidyarthi

And actually it's good to hear you say that because, I thought maybe there was something wrong when we would do our kundalini meditations and it was initially described as the chakras as we went and I had trouble trying to see the colours of each, it just won't come even if I try to imagine 'red' let's say, but this just happened randomly on the weekend.  But I was facing the sun at the time, that energy may have had something to do with it?

My response:

A better way of telling whether your chakras are opening up is by what is happening in your life and relationship not colours. Root chakra controls your basic life, job, finances, dwelling. Sacral and throat your sex life. manipura is your power and strength in dealing with  life . Heart is about love (not sex). Third eye is intuition and crown spirituality.

So monitor your life as you see different chakras are opening up. By the way just paying simple attention to these stimulates opening, deeksha helps and so does meditation.


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