Charity begins at home

Misunderstood, this doesn’t mean padding your own first before you give your shillings away.

A young lady was following me on my way to zen practice when a fairly strong and healthy man appeard at the stop sign with a sign, “broke, please help”. I only had a few quarters which I gave him. Of course mind came in with the usual bs, why doesn't he get a job or mow my lawn for $20, blah blah. Momentary lapse of memory how difficult it is to get a job you can put up with. This hardening of hearts starts early when society teaches us me and you, what’s mine is mine and what’s yours is mine too if I can get it. In time this training becomes this world.

But not always, kindness is always there wanting to peak through. My friend in the car behind me got out of her car and handed him a five dollar bill. 

I couldn’t contain my tears of joy. This was the best thing I had experienced in days.

Charity does begin at home meaning when you give without strings, you feel joy at your real home, the heart.


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