STYTS: Stop Taking Yourself Too Seriously
You've heard the advice: Stop Taking Yourself Too Seriously! Enjoy life, eat, drink and be merry. But if you can't find happiness, ask who can't find happiness, if the one who can't find happiness was absent, would there be unhappiness? Hundreds of spiritual masters, priests, pundits and new age gurus are misleading seekers by simply renaming self with consciousness, awareness, observer and yes, Jesus and God. It kept tripping me up for decades. finally gave me a simple option. Why not start with the simplest option? Look and see what you can tangibly find. If you can't find anything, may be there is nothing to find. No self, no observer, no awareness, no God just as there is no Santa, no unicorn no superman. It was too simple but everythime I checked I found it to be true. Now, I can't promise that like me you wouldn't hold a secret desire and admiration for an all pervasive nothingness which some may call God...