
Showing posts from June, 2013

STYTS: Stop Taking Yourself Too Seriously

You've heard the advice: Stop Taking Yourself Too Seriously!  Enjoy life, eat, drink and be merry.  But if you can't find happiness,  ask who can't find happiness, if the one who can't find happiness was absent, would there be unhappiness? Hundreds of spiritual masters, priests, pundits and new age gurus are misleading seekers by simply renaming self with consciousness, awareness, observer and yes, Jesus and God. It kept tripping me up for decades. finally gave me a simple option. Why not start with the simplest option? Look and see what you can tangibly find. If you can't find anything, may be there is nothing to find. No self, no observer, no awareness, no God just as there is no Santa, no unicorn no superman. It was too simple but everythime I checked I found it to be true.  Now, I can't promise that like me you wouldn't hold a secret desire and admiration for an all pervasive nothingness which some may call God...

Someone Never Suffers

Look inside, outside, around and in imagination. Look everywhere and  find moments when all is serene within you, around you before you and after you. Try meditating, sleeping, exercising, loving or even holding your breath. Shiva taught this technique eons ago. Idea he had which is evergreen is that once you have tasted this moment often when there is no suffering, you will realize that all suffering is transient. Since something that can disappear for a moment, can disappear forever. If you know the magician's card trick, can he really pull that ace out of the pack again and wow you? There is someone that never suffers. Why can't that be you and forever?


Not much is real, at least that can be reported by the feeble instrument called body and mind. Reality is a word which by definition means, that which is not fake or unreal .  As soon as you move, even a thought, the illusion begins. So the only way to even barely sense reality is to be very still, not move. And then you get a glimpse of the peace and joy that can be felt, even though it is second hand.  Prior to memories being recorded right after birth, the only memory you inherited was at a cellular level from million or even billion years of evolution;  some call it incarnation. There are layers of reality that goes on the base of non existence. Nonexistence must be a precursor to existence. Deduction leads us to reality being complete and absolute nothingness. We could stop right there, since it is an oxymoron to look for nothing. But mind deduces things based on previous arguments, historical events and current sensations. And the mind having tasted the bli...

How can you be sure you have seen through the illusion of self?

I, me or self is nothing but a thought construct, an illusion or a story made up by the mind spurred by the society and family from an early age. As I have argued in another blog below that it is indeed a hard task to see through this illusion even though it is clearly a requirement for awakening by almost all masters, scriptures; modern or ancient. And there are techniques galore. Every one has new twist on it. Our own method at liberation unleashed is a focus on direct experience. Hindus will have you chant Sanskrit slokas and conduct elaborate rituals, Buddhists meditate for weeks on end. Christians require follow the one and only Jesus and Muslims ask to surrender to Allah. Every one, bar none wants you to drop this ego or the I, me or self. I recently revisited some of papaji's videos and loved his prescription; just be quiet. So I did for almost a week. I am cheating a bit by watching the video and writing this blog. But in another clip he says you have to use a th...